Fuel petcock RoutingFuel petcock RoutingI'm helping to restore a '66 CB77 with my nephew, and the bike starts easily, but only runs on one cylinder. I've removed the drain screw on the right carburretor while the bike was running, and nothing comes out, so I've obviously found why the right cylinder isn't running. The reserve line on the petcock has been blanked off. To what is that tube that runs from the petcock reserve supposed to be attached?
Thank you for any help or advice you can offer. ...Brent Reserve line? You should have one line running to the right carb and one to the left. There should be no reserve line. Unless the petcock is from a different tank that had a cross over from a nipple on the opposite side. Do you have any pictures of the petcock and tank? Does your petcock have a brass siphon tube extending up inside the tank?
Reserve line tubeYes, there is a brass siphon tube that goes up into the tank, and there are two outlets for the left and right carbs, but there is also a third outlet that angles upward that the parts manual calls a reserve line with a short length of tube attached to it. I can onlt assume that this tube attaches to an outlet at the bottom of a fuel tank. However, this tank doesn't have such an outlet, so I guess the petcock is from a different model.
I still can't find out why there's no gas getting to the right carb, though... Petcock fuel flowWith the fuel lines detached from the carburretors and the petcock in the on position, should the gas flow be the same from each line? When I do this the left line gushes, and the right virtually stops. If I put my thumb over the left hose, the right line flows freely. Again, it would seem this the source of my problem, but what would cause this?
Thanks again.
Brent, Just a thought on your reserve question. On CB77s you should have a nipple on the right side of the tank(toward the rear of tank) that the reserve hose goes to. The hose routes under the frame backbone to the opposit side of the tank from the petcock. That is on all CB77s. Good Luck, Kustommusic