It worked!! I simply tapped around on the solenoid before grounding the yellow/red and the starting motor started running!48lesco wrote:The solenoid IS the switch that closes to energize the starter motor and it sounds like you've ruled out everything else. Rarely, but sometimes, you can tap on the solenoid and if it's only a little sticky inside, it will actuate. If not, just look for one on ebay, a good used one isn't hard to find. Just to be sure we're on the same page, I attached a picture. The solenoid is the black cylindrical unit under the coil.
Now to get spark. The coil pack has juice coming from the battery (black wire) and juice going out of the coils to the condenser via a green wire. When I turn the bike over shouldn't the spark plug wires get hot at the caps (they are new wires and I have had spark previously with them)? The key is turned to the second setting(one turn clockwise from entering the key) while I try getting spark.
Thanks again for the help!