Any interest in race seat replicas?
General update....
The brackets are FINALLY complete and have shipped to me. I should have them by Tuesday if UPS doesn't hold me up. My machinist mentioned that the project was more detailed in the end that he has originally estimated so we are definitely getting a good deal on the work. I doubt he would do it for the same price if asked again. My fiberglass guy has run into a pinch since he seems to be moving to Florida all of a sudden as his house just sold. Unfortunately, he's left me in the wind and extremely upset. However, I have a close friend that I called a favor in from. He use to do fiberglass work for me until last year when he left to pursue other more lucrative business ventures. He knows his stuff and has done excellent molding work for me in the past so I trust him. Anyway, he's agreed to "come out of retirement" for me on this project. I can only imagine it would be an improvement if anything. I will be delivering the original molds to him next week to look over and begin making the seat pans.