Todays Ride.......Hello fellow 305ers,
Yesterday I had a wonderful ride with a good purpose. The event is called Toys For ToT’s. Basically, you get to ride with hundreds of other bikes where they shut down large stretches of roads to a park destination where they have food, games, drinks. To ride all you have to do is donate an unwrapped gift that will go to needy kids. Plus all profits form food and beverage sells go to the same cause. As always the old scrappy “61” Super Hawk was a hit even though it was riding next to some incredible custom bikes. I had the bike out Saturday at a pretty good size bike event. The wife bought me a digital video camera and I thought I would give this a go so here is my first try a posting the ride.
Had some very decent weather for the 1st of February, and the Little Honda Gang went for a ride. The morning did start out very chilly (as in 28 degrees), and I had to shovel a path to get the bike out of the shed, but it ended up being almost 60 degrees by the afternoon.
Lee took his newly acquired CX500, Scott on his trusty 305 Dream that's been in his family for almost 30 years, and my broken down piece of junk. We had to be careful on parts of road that were in the shade (black ice!), but the ride happened without incident. More snow is forecast for tomorrow.....ah well.
Last edited by Vince Lupo on Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah, I guess for South Florida it would seem cold, but actually it turned out to be quite a nice day (58 degrees by the afternoon was great!). I had my heated mitts on in the morning, but by afternoon they were off and I was actually too warm with all my stuff on. BTW, that new front end is magical!
As long as the roads are dry and my wife doesn't mind, I'll ride.