how to take off the condencerhow to take off the condencerthis is a stupid question, but i cant take off the condenser. what is the technic for taking this off. Its held on by 2 Phillips screws. i cant fit anything in there.
Is yours bad? I am still running an original in my engine.If your getting good spark I'd keep using it.Short of dropping the engine it is difficult.I did manage to to get one off.I had borrowed a home made tool.A flat piece of steel with a phillips bit welded on each side of it.It took a while to get the turns on the screws but I got it.Then to put screws back in which is harder yet I got a piece of small vacuum line and stuck the head of the screw in the end and was able to use the hose to start it back in and get some turns on it.Good luck.
The problem I'm have is I'm not getting any spark. I don't know what to look for. I have to order new points. But if its not the points, then I guess it would have be the condenser. Any suggestion would be nice. OK-Do all of the other electricals work?Are you using the starter or kickstarting it.Did you adjust and clean your current points or are they shot?Try that first.If your points are cleaned and adjusted turn engine manually until points are closed and key on and open points manually and see if you get a arc on the points at all.I'm assuming you have the key in the proper positon and not in the 1'st or prime only and no spark position?How are you checking spark?New plugs in bike?I doubt it's the condensor but could be.Wires from condensor all connected properly to points?Until you have proper points set-up and timing correct it will be hard to help you.Coil wires ok and connections making good contact?May want to check your connections for the ignition switch also.Read some of the old ignition posts and CA77 posts they will help too.
well i got spark. after doing a better job of cleaning the points and getting the proper key position. it worked. Im not sure what the other key position are till i get my manual. my spark plugs are gapped at .028 is this correct? thanks for the help. you saved me alot of work trying to take off the condenser. now i just need to get my carb kit and petcock kit and get this running. thanks again you rock