First, is the bores. I took measurments on top and bottom, and for each bore I checked four angles. Straight up and down, across, then both diagonals.
Here are the results for the top of the cylinders:

CB77 rebuild 058 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr

CB77 rebuild 057 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr
As you can see, the numbers are under 60mm, which doesn't make sense to me. The book says 60mm, with a wear limit of .10mm. Using the .10mm tolerence, it seems like right side is out of round.
Here are the measurments taken from the bottom:

CB77 rebuild 060 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr

CB77 rebuild 059 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr
These look to be within .10, in terms of roundness.
I then measured the pistons, just for fun.
Here are the results:

CB77 rebuild 062 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr

CB77 rebuild 063 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr
I then put the pistons into the cylinder, and tried to measure the clearance.
This was tricky, as the feeler guage hits the first ring pretty quick on top.
These readings were taken on one side of the piston, with the piston squished to the opposite side as much as possible. In other words, there is half this much clearance on both sides under normal conditions.

CB77 rebuild 061 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr
Yes, these numbers are totally inconsistent with the numbers above as to the cylinders and the pistons. If my numbers were correct, the pistons would not even go into the cylinders. And yet, I have gaps that are beyond the spec of .1mm.
And here are pictures of how I took the clearance readings:

CB77 rebuild 056 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr

CB77 rebuild 054 by Jrlovvorn, on Flickr
Thoughts? Criticisms? Witticisms?