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CL77 Awake After 40 Years

Want to keep a Restoration Log? Post it here! You can include photos. Suggested format: One Restoration per Thread; then keep adding your updates to the same thread...
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JC Member
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CL77 Awake After 40 Years

Post by JC » Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:16 am

Hello all, I've been lurking around here for a few months gaining knowlege. I wanted to tell my story but I'm challenged when it comes to E-photos and this story needs photos. I'm hoping I can get it right with this post.
I bought my '66 Scrambler in 1992 from the second owner. He had purchased it from the original owner (a friend) in 1980. The original owner bought the bike in '67 while he lived in Phoenix, Az. and rode it in the desert. He dropped it a couple of times and damaged the tank, headlight assembly and broke the clutch lever. He rode it for 842 miles and then parked after the second fall and never rode it again. He moved to Santa Clara Ca. and sold it to the second owner who was going through a divorce and used the bike as "therapy". He dissasembled it and repainted from red to medium blue and cut the muffler off. He also painted the wiring harness and cables black along with the cylinders and head. He found a girlfriend and the bike languished 80% assembled. It went with him when he was transfered to Minnisota (not sure about the girlfriend) and to Portland Or. where I bought it from him in '92 for $300.
I've been pushing it from garage to garage for the past 16 years picking up miscellaneous parts always thinking every year it will be my winter project. In January I decided to wash it off and just get it running and drivable not restore it. I also found this site which helped motivate me knowing I had a source of knowledge and experience to call on. So, using Bill Silvers guides I went over the bike to be sure that all the nuts, bolts, washers, screws etc., were the right size and type and in the right place. I ordered parts from Nick at Ohio and from Terry at Western Hills Honda both guys were extremely helpful. After that I started adjusting the valves, timing and carburators. Found that the PO had installed the cam one tooth off. A posted question here and Loud Mouse set me straight (thanks again Ed). Gas, oil, battery and lots of kickin' but no start. Checked the bowls and no gas.
Took the carbs off and carefully set the floats and then reinstalled them. Second kick and I heard that exhaust sound and motor sounds that I haven't heard in almost 40 years! To be exact, October 8, 1969 the day before I left for Nam. So, I let it warm up and adjusted the carbs and took it for a spin. Boy, did that bring back memories! Just like back in the day! I still have to fiddle with the carbs but the Scrambler runs strong! I have to get a licence, helmet and insurance (they like that kind of stuff here in Ca.) and then take the bike on a trip. After that I'll have to decide if I'm going to leave it as is or restore it. Check out the pictures and let me know what you think. That's my story now let's see if I can post those pictures!
Jim Cain
Pretty much how I bought it in '92. Wrong tank.
Pretty much how I bought it in '92. Wrong tank.
Honda Sleeping.jpg (179.67 KiB) Viewed 1005 times
How's that for low milage? 842!!
How's that for low milage? 842!!
Brief Career.jpg (152.14 KiB) Viewed 999 times
Other than the tank 98% of the parts are original to the bike. And I think it still has the original air in the tires!
Other than the tank 98% of the parts are original to the bike. And I think it still has the original air in the tires!
Honda Now2.jpg (158.87 KiB) Viewed 1017 times

Superchicken Member
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Post by Superchicken » Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:25 pm

cool story, the pics aren't working?

JC Member
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:38 pm
Location: Central Coast California

Post by JC » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:34 pm

Beats me . They were there. I'll try again in a little while. Got to go out right now.

JC Member
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:38 pm
Location: Central Coast California

Post by JC » Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:07 pm

Here's the three pic's again. I hope they stay.
I forgot to mention that I have cleaned off most of the black paint on the cables and replaced the hard cracked and brittle wiring harness tubing with new silver tubing from Vintage Connections.
Jim Cain
This is pretty much how I bought the bike.
This is pretty much how I bought the bike.
842 miles!
842 miles!
Washed, chrome polished, different tank and, tuned ready to go.
Washed, chrome polished, different tank and, tuned ready to go.

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