67 superhawk, now to get it licensed!
it runs! i am (as i have previously noted) sometimes overly enthusiastic and stupid, its too icy out, laid it over going into second, my side streets are still too icy, now i know the brakes and trans are good, more then i can say for my tail light lens lol... (or my elbows or a love handle that got the brunt lol...
going to call the local cycle shop about getting brakes looked at just because its been sitting so long, then looking at all the tire reviews on here for when i get a little more money, cant wait!
it runs !!!!!!!!!!! Doesnt it feel GOOD to have it running !!!!!! Good job Andy, and the fun is just starting. Dont get too enthusiastic or you'll be buying bandages ( perish the thought.) Keep it low and slow till the ice ( and the salt ) are off the roads.
Congrats Mikeyrx "a free motorcycle is a bottomless hole intended solely for money"
66 CB 77 76 BMW R75/6 99 GL 1500 trike 75 & 79 XS 650's
it does! only comparable feeling is my 67 dart, dad was out of practice, another guy was helping us get it back to life, and we went on many test drives only for it to drop dead at 30 mph, so exciting, that enthusiasm and excitement is what overwhelmed my brains and led me to lay it over haha...dont have to work til noon on monday and if the bmv is open, may try to get some of that stuff figured out. the guy who i got it from said he will help me with brakes, looking into cheaper tires tomorrow, if i can get it running, would be nice to drive to the shop to get new tires. i trust them to go cross town once or twice, but not much more...
so ive been crazy busy with work and my girlfriend was around for her grad school spring break etc...i finally got to the bmv yesterday, and they gave me the form mentioned on here, request for records, but they say you have to mail it, individual bmv's dont do it. so i have to do that for indiana, and find the equivalent form for illinois, ohio, michigan and kentucky, if nothing comes back, then i do the police check verifying the vin i say is on it is on it, then a bill of sale and i can apply for a title. going to go try to look up those documents now.