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Vintage Shindig at Scott's....

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Vince Lupo Member
Posts: 1371
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Vintage Shindig at Scott's....

Post by Vince Lupo » Sun May 10, 2009 4:25 pm

Well, yesterday was quite a day. Despite the threatening rain, The Little Honda Gang of Maryland (plus a couple of extras!) held its first annual shindig a Scott Simon's house, just outside of Baltimore.

Believe it or not, our wives actually managed to tolerate the incessant motorcycle chatter and not hand us their divorce papers all at once! A fine time was had by all, and the festivities included the official debut of Jeff Adamson's revived, revitalized and renewed CA78 Honda Dream (previously owned by me, and in white no less!). It was definitely Hondas aplenty - with a Harley and Ducati thrown in for good measure - and featured a selection of Honda motorbikes from the 'Jay Leno of Greater Baltimore', Scott Simon, and an extremely interesting presentation of RARE Honda literature by our good friend, Tim McDowell of Classic Honda Restoration. Not to mention the hot dogs, burgers, potato salad, brownies and beer in abundant supply!

All in all, a successful meet-up by The Little Honda Gang, and plans are already in the works for the next tear-up.....

WARNING: Purists, you might not want to look at these photos. A plethora of unspeakable atrocities committed against Honda machinery. Oh the horror.......

The Gathering of the Iron (and chrome and plastic and vinyl and alloy)

Another view of the beauties...

The modifications begin...

The artistry of Lee Hulteng inflicted upon a CB350 -- can you see the Triumph and Harley parts???

Our hero, Tim McDowell, after a spin on one of the attendant Dreams...

Um......imitation is the sincerest form of flattery???? Gee thanks Lee....

Jeff Adamson's new (and vastly improved) Honda CA78 Dream. How can you resist that two-tone seat?!

JeffA Member
Posts: 21
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Great Event

Post by JeffA » Mon May 11, 2009 8:37 am


Thanks for the great (as always) pics. I can confirm that fun was had by all and that seeing all those bikes in one driveway was inspiring. I do hope that despite the repainting of the white Dream you're pleased with how your baby was transformed. I love it. Must give you a big thanks for the bike and some good advice along the way. And, of course, I am forever indebted to to Lee Hulteng, who did most of the work from disassembly, painting, and re-assembly with many fixes and improvements along the way. I do need to post some pics from the entire project on the site. Will do that soon.

Though owning as many Hondas as Scott is NOT a goal, I'm looking forward to adding to my collection and applying some of my experience from the Dream to the restoration of another vintage Honda. Need to start looking for one of those naked Goldwings that Tim had the brochures of... or perhaps a Black Bomber. Wouldn't that be something.


Vince Lupo Member
Posts: 1371
Joined: Wed May 04, 2005 7:17 am

Post by Vince Lupo » Mon May 11, 2009 10:32 am

Well I have dibs on Scott's 550. I took it for a ride just before I left, and boy is it nice. A couple of weird things about it -- not the least of which is the location of the shifter lever relative to the ignition(?) need very small feet indeed! My size 11's are a bit scrunched in there.

Your Dream looks awesome, and you're well on your way to putting your own personality into it, which I like. Don Jenkins did such a fantastic job on that seat - I'm sure you'll be inspiring more than a few Dream owners to consider something along the same lines.

Funny that many of the bikes in attendance had their own little personal touches, which I personally think can be more interesting than a completely stock bike (though I can certainly appreciate those too!).

Eagerly anticipating our next gathering......

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