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Walt Member
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Post by Walt » Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:04 pm

when I pull in the clutch the wheel won't roll. The clutch plates are working and moving. What might the problem be?

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Jethro Member
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Post by Jethro » Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:17 pm

Sticky plates or clutch is out of adjustment. I'd put it on the center stand and with the clutch pulled turn the engine over with the kick starter till the kick starter doesn't turn the engine over any more. Then try adjusting the clutch if that doesn't solve it. (Neutral is hard to find on these engines. Make sure it's in neutral.)

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conbs Member
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Sticky clutch

Post by conbs » Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:23 pm

On the Dream I got recently the clutch sticks when it has been sitting. It sometimes sticks enough to kill the engine when I first put it in gear with the clutch handle pulled in tight, but after that it frees right up.

Is yours a recent acquire or have you let it sit for some time? If so, you might try riding it to see if the clutch will free up.

lrutt Member
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Post by lrutt » Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:09 am

On my 65 305 the clutch has been sticky since I got it in 1980. Cleaning didn't help. proper oil didn't help. adjustment didn't help. When it sits, it sticks.

So I just get the motor started in neutral then push the bike up to speed and drop it in first. I pull the clutch in and give the throttle a couple wacks and the plates free up. It's good then for the rest of the ride, or until I let it sit again for a week or more.

Just a minor annoyance that is not unique to dreams. My 73 500 would do the same thing. I've noticed that the Hondas that have the screw ramp type clutch mechanisms are more prone to this than the ball and ramp mechanisms. Don't know why but that has been my experience.

Jlovvorn Member
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Sticky clutch - really sticky

Post by Jlovvorn » Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:27 pm


My newly acquired 64 cb77 has the same sticky clutch.

Tried all the tricks including riding and blipping throttle and clutch - still stuck.

Clutch does work some, but not enough to keep bike from stalling in gear at a stop with clutch engaged.

Have done all adjustments, as per book and thread advice.

Do I need to open the cover? And if so, is there anything I can spray or put into the clutch to unstick it?

Or do I have to disassemble and clean (I know this would be preferred).

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