fenderless photo's ??
fenderless photo's ??Hello folks , i'm hoping for a little help here,, if anybody has a link to any photo's what so ever of dreams/ ca 77's.....without the front fender on.. i'd really appreciate it,,, i'm almost at the point where i am ready to start putting my ca 77 back together but i'm not happy with the way the front fender is turning out,,, it has the usual dents and dings in the rear lower lip and i'm not the best metal worker so i have started thinking that i really like the look of the bike without the fender on at all.... but now i can't find the few photo's of bikes without the fender on ... so if anybody has a link to any of those pics .. i'd love to see em... thanks .... nick
Last edited by rrtccp on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
front fenderI have a chrome fender that was sold as a replacement back in the day.It bolts up perfectly.
Pm me if you are interested,