Thunderhawk on BikeExifThunderhawk on BikeExifI just saw this custom cb77 on bikeexif. I lot of people liked it. The homemade machined parts are cool and a lot of time put into the bike, but its just not my cup of tea.
Burnie That's pretty nice, generally. I would like to see a neat rear fender added and something went horribly wrong with the front brake linkages. I would like the footpeg brackets a lot more if he sculpted them a little.... :-) A good look, though.
G '60 C77 '60 C72 '62 C72 Dream '63 CL72
'61 CB72 '64 CB77 '65 CB160 '66 Matchless 350 '67 CL77 '67 S90 '77 CB400F Hi burnite2 and G Man. These plucked chickens make me grumpy. They are common here in Portland. Typically the hipster owner will be a couple hours into disassembly and cutting before he realizes he has no idea what he is doing. After a few months of tripping over it he puts up a melancholy Craigslist ad about how life has gotten in the way and now it is time for someone else to take on his one of a kind CAFE racer project. No, he didn't save the muffs or fenders but those pieces weren't part of his vision anyway. Plucked Chicken.
I'm wondering why he left the forks as he did. Once you remove those covers, you expose all that unfinished fork tubing at the top. And the lower forks he has on there aren't doing the bike any favours either. For a few hundred bucks you can get beautiful fork tubes by Frank's Engineering, and everything would be hard-chromed. And what's the deal with the exposed stator?
He's made a grand total of one post on the Forum here -- pointing to this article of course. I made the same inquiry on that post (under the Restoration section). No response.