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What year CB77 and other questions

adangvu1972 Member
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What year CB77 and other questions

Post by adangvu1972 » Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:56 pm

Hi All!
I've been reading as much as I can in this forum and thought I'd finally introduce myself and ask my newbie questions after my first motorcycle purchase and first ride out.

I've recently picked up a cb77 from a guy that really didn't know much about the bike, so as a total newbie I'm a bit stumped on the actual year of the motorcycle and couldn't get any info from the previous owner. I only know that it was a Honda CB77 from the sticker on the side when I bought the bike. While it isn't an original restoration, it has a different seat and pipes are similar to the scrambler but one pipe per side and set higher up, it would start right up with the electric starter and kick start when I bought it, so I thought it was in decent condition. I didn't see any oil leaks at the time and I don't know anything about motorcycles so thought it was a good first bike. I understand that it's an old motorcycle and can be fickle with operating it but I'm use to old cars and their issues so I thought it would be a great bike and after reading posts in this forum, I stoked that I made the purchase!

I had a few questions, and not sure if they should be broken up into individual posts or just asked all in one post. So please excuse me if I'm not doing this correctly and let me know the correct way to post my questions.

What year is my bike?
On my title, it says it's a 1964 but the engine number says: CB77E-211561 and Vin: CB7713075 I checked the Engine and Frame No History document that's floating around this forum but the numbers don't seem to match up to anything on there. Can someone help me determine what year my bike is? Or is this a frankenstein type of restoration with a frame from a different model mixed with a CB77 engine?

Bike dies suddenly while riding.
On my first ride on the bike today along Pacific Coast Highway and Santa Monica Mountains (Los Angeles). It was 65 degrees out, sunny with a little wind. A strange thing happened when I was going down a hill, the bike was in second gear going about 40mph, approx 6000rpm, the bike suddenly started dropping in rpm and then the bike completely shut off. I tried to give it some throttle when it started dropping in rpm but nothing helped before it died moments later. I've already been riding for around 20mins so the engine was definitely warmed up. When I tried to kick start up the bike, I had the choke set halfway open and it started right up, so I closed it and it immediately shut the bike off. (I thought that was odd since the bike was already warmed up and was told that the choke should be off.) So I kept the choke at the half open point again while I was riding it the rest of the time. This happened a couple times while I was riding down a big hill. So was wondering if this is with the choke or the carburetors? It seemed that the engine wasn't getting enough fuel?

I was told by someone that when I did start it and let it run in the garage, that the fuel mixture was a bit rich because it would push out a little bit of white smoke out of the pipes and fill up the garage if I had it running for 3-5mins or so. Also, I had the headlight on the entire ride until I started having this issue and then turned off the headlight for my ride home. (I read on Oscar Mayer tips on the 3rd page, that the CB77 wasn't meant to have the lights running all the time unless constantly running over 4000rpms cause it would drain the battery. Not sure if that's accurate or if it makes any difference in figuring out my problem. Here's a link to the tips: ... P_TIPS.pdf

Small oil leak on right side of the bottom crankcase?
When I got home, I noticed that the engine was leaking on the right side bottom in a couple spots but not at the oil pan bolt that I would unscrew to change the oil (that bolt is dry). The spots on the ground were about 1" inch in diameter. It never leaked since I got it a couple weeks ago, that I noticed), but I only started it up and would ride it in my apartment parking structure for a few minutes to keep everything working and not let it sit too long. So wondering if this is normal and happens after a 30min ride or if it's gasket that need to be replaced or something else?

I don't have any experience in motorcycle repair, but I'm excited to learn what I can since I've falling more in love with this bike each time I start it up and after the ride today, I'm totally hooked! Any advice would be great and if I should've posted each of my questions in a single post, let me know too. Totally new to forums as well :)

I've included pictures of the bike and also the bottom of the crankcase where I spotted the oil leak drops.

Thanks in advance for any info or advice you can give me.


ImageIMG_0506-side by adangvu1972, on Flickr

ImageIMG_0513-3quarter-front by adangvu1972, on Flickr

ImageIMG_0511-3quarter-back2 by adangvu1972, on Flickr

ImageIMG_0518 by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Imageoil-leak by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Hoosier Tom Member
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Post by Hoosier Tom » Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:57 pm

Please verify your frame number. If it is a 1964 that begins with a "1" it needs to be 6 digits long. A frame number that begins with "1" and is 5 digits long it would be a 1961. However, it appears from Bill Silver's published production figures the highest frame number was 11249 which is lower than yours. By the numbers your engine is a 1962.


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Waveblaster Member
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Post by Waveblaster » Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:43 pm

I like the addition of the semi high rise pipes and the cyb seat. Looks great.

Have you checked the fuel cap underneath for the breather hole? Some folks have mentioned on the forum that caps without the breather or blockage can cause a vacuum in the tank.

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Hamamatsu Nippon Member
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Post by Hamamatsu Nippon » Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:15 pm

I quite like the mid level exhaust, nice touch. Not a big fan of the double hump seat, it must be a long reach to the bars.
I can address your oil leak. First off, this is common to 305 engines. Looking at the engine underside pic, you can see a half moon hole cast into the engine cover. This is a weep hole designed to drain unwanted oil away from the stator. That is where the oil is coming from. If oil is draining from here, you have a bad oil seal or maybe several seals are leaking. The most likely culprit is the starter sprocket seal or the crankshaft seal. There are other seals inside the engine cover but you would have to remove the cover and pull off the generator flywheel to have a proper inspection.
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adangvu1972 Member
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Post by adangvu1972 » Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:59 pm

Thanks for the quick reply!

Hoosier Tom:
I've searched the forums for where to look for the frame serial number, although it looks like the frame was powder coated previously and I can't find the serial number for the frame anywhere. Is it still possible to figure out what year it is? Would I consider it to be the same year as the engine? I'm asking just in case if I would need to purchase parts in the future if the different year frame would matter.

I don't have much knowledge of what to look for with the breather hole in the gas cap, I've uploaded a couple pictures of how the aftermarket gas cap looks with it closed and open. I don't see a breather hole but not sure what to look for either. Maybe with these images you can let me know.

Imagegas-cap-lock by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Imagegas-cap-exposed by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Hamamatsu Nippon:
After riding the bike, I agree with your statement about the reach to the handle bars. I'm not a tall guy, (5'6") and it is a little bit of a reach. I may look into another seat. Thanks for the insight on what could be the cause of the leak. I'm looking at bringing in the bike for a full inspection once I find someone in Los Angeles that has a focus on vintage Honda motorcycles. Hopefully it won't be too expensive to fix the seals.

Hoosier Tom Member
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Post by Hoosier Tom » Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:33 pm

I will say from your photos the rear part of the frame where the back of the seat mounts looks like a 1961. Any chance you can remove the seat and photo the rear of the frame? as far as the frame number being buried by the powder coat that is a shame. It should be on the left side of the steering head tube, take a close look.


adangvu1972 Member
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Post by adangvu1972 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:18 am

Hoosier Tom:
Sorry, being a noobie I was looking in the wrong spot, I was able to find the serial off the steering head tube as you stated, (had to look up what that was to know where to look, haha). Here's a picture of it:

Imageframe-serial by adangvu1972, on Flickr

As I'm looking at the picture, it's hard to read, but it could say CB72 13075 rather than CB77 13075. Is this possible to use the frame from the 250cc and put the 305cc engine in it? Also, do you know how it could be registered as a 1964 if it's actually a 1961 or 1962? Or does that even matter?

Also, I was able to take the seat off and take a few pictures from different angles as I'm not sure what you are looking for to figure out a year. Thanks for helping me figure this out!

Imageframe-rightside2 by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Imageframe-rightside by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Imageframe-leftside2 by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Imageframe-leftside by adangvu1972, on Flickr

Imagewithout-seat by adangvu1972, on Flickr

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