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9_16_2012 New CB77 owner.

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apophis Member
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:02 am
Location: Denver, Colorado

9_16_2012 New CB77 owner.

Post by apophis » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:00 pm

I just purchased a 1964 Superhawk w/low bars in Colorado. It runs and shifts fine but was missing a few parts that I cannot locate:

1. The locking ring (bezel) around the key/ignition. I have the key and the ignition module is there and working, but the screw-on trim ring that mounts it to the frame is gone. Is this something I can get from a different model? I just need functional.

2. Mufflers: I have the headers, but the owner had installed original and unused CYB trumpets. They still had the flawless grey paint inside. yes I know they are worth big bucks....He never rode the bike. It was just eye-candy. He would not sell the CYB trumpets with the bike as he had another superhawk he was converting to a CYB77. I dont need "mufflers" and a similar non-baffled trumpet is fine. I have seen picts of CB77's with a clip on trumpet that is similar look to the CYB. Where can I find these? I would be fine with straight pipes...

3. My speedometer has no cable inside the housing. The sheath looks great. Where can I get the inner cable? All the ones on ebay say 66-68 so I cam guessing the early is different that the late models and that high bars vs low bars matter.

any help is appreciated.

I am in Denver, CO and have the following bikes:

1. 1968 Honda S90. Bored to 104cc. Non-US model with rotary transmission. Sending a spare crank to powroll to have stroked to finish out at 124cc. This is my daily rider.

2. 1967 Honda CL90. Bored to 104cc

3. 1972 Honda CL175

4. 1964 Honda CB77. Low bar.


s2000erick Member
Posts: 55
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New CB 77 owner

Post by s2000erick » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:29 pm

2. Try J. C. Whitney - Dunstall replica megaphones

Welcome and good luck!

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