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What year is my bike, VIN cb77-101376, cb77e-101380

Posts: 7817
Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:23 am

Re: then whole enchilada

Post by LOUD MOUSE » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:28 pm

In my experience it isn't unusual for the BBK pistons to seize.
I'm interested as ta what ya find that caused the problems before it seized. ........lm
rickytile wrote:`the whole engine was rebuilt. i think my mistake was the 350 kit. i just dont understand why it would sieze. maybe it expanded due to heat? it wasnt running lean. gas/oil mixture would come out of the spark plug area. also i had some syth oil in there so the bike should have held up to heat better.

teazer Member
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Re: then whole enchilada

Post by teazer » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:01 am

rickytile wasn't running lean. gas/oil mixture would come out of the spark plug area.....
Big bore kits often leak around the cast iron skull that forms the combustion chamber, valve seats and plug support. It may be from a rich mixture, but usually that's engine oil seeping out making a mess.

More likely cause of seizure is insufficient piston to bore clearance and maybe riding too hard too soon. The only way to know for sure is to pull teh top end off and to examine everything and to measure critical clearances.'

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