by joeweir1 » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:27 pm
Hopefully others will chime in with more experience.This is some of the info I started with,but I am still running an original engine with no top end work..points gap in book calls for .012 - .016, plug gap .028 for NGK D8HA's,valve tappet adj. is .004.Idle speed around 1200 give or take.Carb air screw start about 1 turn out.I static timed my bike with an ohm meter to have points start to open when timing mark lines up with "F" mark.With this old engine I just eventually tuned it by ear and have been running that way for two years.I could stand a rebuild though.Did you rebuild carb?If you did and used a keyster kit that will change things since they send different jets.Good luck.