teazer wrote:As LM indicated earlier, with points open the electrons will flow through the timing light to ground. When the points are closed they will take the path of least resistance and go through the points to ground so the light will not be lit.
As you turn the motor while watching the alternator markings, the light should go on as the points open
Hope that makes sense
If i remember my basic elecrticity class right, the points will act as an on/off switch for the light...points closed = light on....points open = light off. So at the instant the light goes off = plug fires and should equal when the timing mark matches the pointer. This assumes your light is powered with its own battery.
Another way to check it is to place a very thin piece of cellophane between the points while they are closed (cigarette pack wrapping works) and pull on it slightly as you turn the engine over. As soon as you feel it release = plug fires and should match timing marks......no batteries required.
It is also easier to do with the plugs out of the engine so you don't have to fight the engines compression.