Neve seen this happen before !Neve seen this happen before !Got up this morning and headed off to a local vintage show about 50 miles away on my CB72
and my mate on an LC. All going well upto 14 miles then it went onto 1 cylnder; pulled over and found no L/H spark so pulled the points cover and found this .. have a look at the bit circled in yellow. Anyone else ever had this happen ? I'm assuming its just bad luck and not poor quality non-Honda points .. Phil IMG] ... -07-08.jpg[/IMG] In the 40 odd years I've been riding bikes this was the first time I'd seen anything like
this so maybe its better to just make sure I've got breakdown cover .. although the JB Weld ( is that an epoxy resin ? ) could fix other things. They say lighning doesn't strike twice .. so maybe thats it for good. Electronic ignition is less liable to going out of adjustment but ( I suspect ) is no less vulnerable to one-off problems and there's no way you could fix it at the side of the road. Was in the I.O.M for the TT one year when someone ran into the side of my Triumph and smashed the Boyer tranisitored ignition .. it was back home in a van that year. On the subject of electronic ignition for the CB72/77s .. a friend here in the UK is looking at producing an high output alternator with built in electronic ignition .. no more worn advance and retard units... cheers Phil