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How to clean and polish hub

cadman Member
Posts: 386
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:12 pm
Location: Georgetown, TX

Post by cadman » Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:35 am

Kleen Strip in the spray can works fairly well ( ... r/17208799). It may take several applications. It sometimes helps to break the surface with #400 paper first.

The interior of the hub tends to be a bit more of a rough casting - If you want it smooth sand with #220 wet or dry and follow with #400 wet. If you have a buffer then go to polishing. If you don't have a buffer then sand with progressively finer paper wet.

I have a 2hp buffer and use 8" wheels. I this case I used two 1/8" wheels together and started with a coarse (black) compound and eventually finished with white (polish).

A drill and buffing pad will work but generally it turns too slow. It will take awhile. I prefer to use commercial compounds. They seem better (Try Caswell). Here's a link to their buffing instructions - ... uffman.htm

As you can see from the pic this one is not perfect - Sometimes the aluminum is so bad it is impossible to get it perfect.
hub.jpg (59.21 KiB) Viewed 2766 times

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