CA78 running on one cylinderCA78 running on one cylinderI just replaced the O-rings on both sides of the carb insulator. The bike started instantly and ran for about 5 minutes and then stalled. When I started it up again it was only running on the right cylinder. Removed the left plug - clean but wet with fuel. Looks like I have a good spark on both plugs. I am going to recheck the points but if one side is working they both should be.
Any thoughts on troubleshooting? Thanks in advance.
Valve clearance doesn't happen suddenly - since you were messing around the carb I would check that first. Possible the float in carb was stuck in conjunction with a weak plug or plug wire dumping fuel on to the cylinder. Rotate a few times with the plug out to clear the cylinder. You could try temporarily shutting off the gas when you start. I would also consider trying a new plug - a defective plug will fire outside the cylinder but not when installed.
Here are adjustment procedures copied directly from the owner's manual. HT Replaced the plug with a new D6HA and now both cylinder fire. Who would have thunk? Thanks. I still neeed to adjust the tappets, though. Thanks for the help.