by memphismissile » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:38 am
I am attempting to revive my 67 305 Dream that I restored about twenty years ago. Everthings going pretty good except it doesnt want to run too good without the main jet! Somehow I have lost the Main jet holder. Received the carb rebuild kit with new jet but cant locate a jet holder. Anyone help me finf the holder? Been trying EBAY, and everywhere i can think of on the net, no luck. I really dont want to but a carb just for that little part...
Wondering did the PW22 carb come on any other bikes? Maybe the jet holder is common for certain hondas?
When I get this thing back together I'll post pics cause it is really sweet!
I am in the Memphis, Tn area so if you know anyone around here may have some junkers or parts?