well cleaned them up and put them back together, same problem as before. slow throttle response and slow to come down.
I'm going to order a couple of carb kits and put in new needles/gaskets/etc.
the guy that was coming over and setting my float levels, i'm pretty sure he's oblvious.
what do i measure from concerning the float levels? best tool to measure it with?
I fail @ carbsI fail @ carbs'65 CB77
'66 CB450k0 '93 HD FXR
Hi Gun,
LM says floats even with the top of the needle jet. If you took your main jet out (you don't have to), the float (when just clearing the little pin on the fuel valve) should be even with the edge that the main jet was seated on. That's how I understood his explanation for the CB77's 26mm carb.