I use a small luggage padlock to lock my helmet to the helmet holder.
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Re: heli-coil for 6mm then the .250 hole is still undersize for the coil? my main concern is the integrity of the threads. i dont want to put too much torque on the exhaust flange nut and end up pulling the material out of the hole or the thread wall releasing the stud. well i got the whole bike cheap and knew it neede ...
From your description it sounds like a reed switch does the switching of the coil primary? I know how an ignition coil works. What I want to know is how your system works from the point of picking up the magnetic pulse to the triggering of the coil. Wilf Wilf, To answer your question, the current i...
Ohio Cycle $30. Check to see if it ships with electrolite, the one I got didn't. It was only a few bucks to get it filled at a local battery supplier. I would check locally and see if you can find one first. You never know, you may get a deal and not have to pay shipping. Gunner http://www.ohiocycle...